7 Types of Interviews to Grow Your Business
Interviews are a great way to build your network, attract new viewers and brand yourself as a player in your industry. Here are just a few reasons why interviews have been great for me and can work for you as well:
- As Live Video is social medium that includes real-time chat and viewer input, there’s no better way to rev up the discussion in your community than by having an engaging conversation on your show.
- Interviewing guests also eases the jitters of going on camera solo and wondering if you will have enough to say.
- Interview guests will often promote the show to their followers, increasing your reach and gaining you new subscribers and fans, some of whom will become clients and customers.
- Interview enough industry influencers and you will become recognized as one yourself for facilitating fascinating conversations and connecting your community with industry leaders sharing their knowledge and expertise. Below are 7 types of interviews that make for entertaining and informative viewing and grow your business at the same time!
Interviews with Industry Experts
Executives, keynote speakers, authors, thought leaders.
Your show becomes the venue to “meet” them and pick their brains for 30-45 minutes. Better than meeting at a coffee shop, you have your chat on live video where your community, including potential customers, can see that you are connected to an industry leader and are willing to ask them to share their knowledge with everyone, rather than just you.This enables you to build relationships with industry leaders as a colleague providing them with something of value (an audience to promote their products and services to) and gives you the social proof to get access to other industry experts, including as guests on your show.
Interviews with Customers
Sure you can have a happy customer write a testimonial for your website, but why not take it further and let the world hear the voice and see the enthusiasm of your satisfied customer telling their story of how you helped?
Interviews, particularly those delivered or recorded live, are the most “real” form of testimonial because the customer is working without a script. That doesn’t mean you don’t have control. You screen for an individual who has a great story and can tell it enthusiastically, while the interview process enables you to guide the narrative and places you on camera as a visible part of the success story.
Interviews with Employees
How do we talk about our businesses and make it interesting across multiple pieces of video content? It isn’t always easy to do. But you know what is interesting? The experiences of your employees: what their jobs are like, the projects and products they are creating, the customers they are helping and the career paths they have traveled at your organization.
Let customers feel they know and are connected to the people who will greet them on the shop floor. And let potential employees see your positive work culture and learn about how employees at your company learn, grow and advance in their careers.
Interviews at Industry Events
Industry events should be like shooting fish in a barrel. You won’t hit all of your targets, but you almost can’t avoid landing some great one-on-one chats with industry influencers, speakers, brand reps, event organizers and attendees.
It’s also a great excuse to go up and talk to someone who might seem unapproachable or with whom you don’t have an easy starting point. Just introduce yourself, mention you are the host of {insert show name or channel} and ask if you can do a quick Facebook Live or record an interview for your YouTube channel. Keep it to 5 to 10 minutes maximum out of respect for their time.
Congratulations! You’ve now made a connection with someone new in your industry and set your self apart as a person who is on top of what’s happening in your field.
Interviews with Media Members
You can’t always land an interview with the newsmaker or industry leader. The next place to look is for members of the media covering the story or event to shed light on what’s happening.
Think not only about newspaper and television reporters, but the livestreamers and podcasters who interview industry influencers and talk about the latest developments. They have lots of great information and insights to share with your audience, and the relationships you build with them may end up getting you an interview on their show!
Interviews with Competitors
Your competitors can also be your collaborators. Picture two restaurants serving different types of food across the street from one another. While they are competing for the dining out consumer already on that street, their conversation about the great options for dining and entertainment on the street they share should bring more people to the area and increase business for both parties.
These interviews can work when you focus on your common interests rather than thinking a business competitor must be an adversary in all areas. Now you’ve opened the door to future collaborations online and offline.
Interviews with Potential Clients
You know a certain business that would make a perfect client for you. They need your services and can afford to pay for them. And yet you can’t seem to get any traction.
Consider inviting a decision maker for an interview in which you can ask them about their successes and challenges. Without being obnoxious about it, you can mention “off-air” following the interview how you have helped businesses facing similar challenges and the results they derived from your services.
Need help with polishing your interview skills or planning, hosting and promoting your shows, Ross Brand has 12 years of on-air experience in radio and has hosted hundreds of live video interviews. Contact Ross.
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