Facebook Premieres: Livestreaming Recorded Videos (Update Ep52)

Facebook Premieres Krishna De

Ross Brand with your Livestream Universe Update and Flash Briefing for Monday, April 23th, 2018.

Are you a video creator who enjoys the livestream experience, but would rather produce pre-recorded videos?

Facebook Premieres will enable you to distribute pre-recorded content as a livestream. This will create what Facebook calls “a live moment” with viewers able to interact and experience the video together.

On Live Stream Insiders, Krishna De said this really isn’t anything new.

Facebook says Premieres will also help video creators and publishers build excitement leading up to the release of a new video.

The feature is currently being tested. Facebook says it will be rolling it out to more users soon.

Krishna De and Peter Stewart host Live Stream Insiders Sundays at 2pm ET on the Live Stream Insiders Facebook page.

On Today’s viewing schedule:

At 3pm ET, Owen Video is leading an Ask Me Anything show on BeLive Weekly. He’ll have other BeLive hosts joining him to help answer your questions. Rachel Moore, Molly Mahoney and I will be there. That’s on the BeLive TV Facebook page.

At 9pm ET, it’s “Ask Mike Murphy.” Bring your tech and podcasting questions to the Mike Murphy LLC Facebook page.

Show & event links at our website. For http://LivestreamUniverse.com, I’m Ross Brand. Have a great day!

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Facebook Premieres: Livestreaming Recorded Videos (Update Ep52) Read More »