Influencer Marketing

Live Streamers are Brand Influencers in 2018 (Update Ep51)

Janette Speyer Livestreamers Brand Ambassadors

Ross Brand with your Livestream Universe Update and Flash Briefing for Friday, April 20th, 2018.

Are live streamers the new brand influencers? Janette Speyer, VP of Marketing at Web Success Team, thinks so. She writes in a crowded internet space, podcasters, web casters and live streamers are the answer to getting your product in front of new audiences.

She cites the loyalty of livestream viewers, the passion hosts have for their show topics and the ability of brands to target a specific audience. Janette says Melissa Reyes and Tawanna Brown Smith are two live streamers who are delivering for the brands that work with them. You can read the article at We will hear from Janette Speyer on the Livestream Universe Update next week.

On the livestream viewing schedule:

Today at 1:30pm ET, Kathy Klotz-Guest hosts Yes and Brand on her personal Facebook profile. Popular guest Phil Gerbyshak joins Kathy to discuss “bad marketing.”

3pm ET – Eddie Garrison will be talking about his Facebook Live Training and Equipment Guide on his personal Facebook profile.

On Saturday,

9am ET – It’s Nimmin Live on YouTube with Nick and Dee helping you grow your YouTube channel — watch that at

10:30am ET is Ask The Podcast Coach – Dave Jackson and Jim Collison take your questions at

At 11am ET, it’s Fork It Over Radio with Leslie Nance of go2kitchens and her husband/sidekick Robin. Get the latest news and tips on making your body inhospitable to cancer through your kitchen. View on Periscope or on the Fork It Over Radio Facebook page.

At 12pm ET, Rob Greenlee and Todd Cochrane host a live audio-only edition of the New Media Show, You can catch it at

And Sunday at 2pm ET, it’s the Live Stream Insiders. Krishna De and Peter Stewart discuss developments in live streaming on the Live Stream Insiders Facebook page.

Show & event links at our website. For, I’m Ross Brand. Have a great weekend!

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