Ross Brand with your Livestream Universe Update and Flash Briefing for Thursday, June 7th, 2018.
When building a brand for your business and yourself, how you come across on video can go along way toward creating a lasting impression. Of course there is a time and place for real and raw unpolished videos. To set yourself apart as a professional, however, you need the right production tools and broadcasting skills. Today at 7pm ET on #LivestreamDeals, we feature the leading desktop and mobile production software solutions, a hardware encoder for going live from the most bandwidth challenged environments, and a mastermind program to develop your on-camera skills and confidence. Guests include Claudia Barbiero and Dan Pisarski of LiveU, Andrew Haley of Wirecast, Marc Gawith of Switcher Studio and Madalyn Sklar of the Video Like a Rockstar Mastermind. Join us at 7pm ET on the Lifestream Universe Facebook page to shop the shop with special offers and giveaways.
On the viewing schedule:
At 2pm ET, it’s Lunch with Leslie, hosted by Leslie Nance. Make your body inhospitable to cancer through your kitchen as Leslie shares delicious, healthy recipes. View on Twitter Live at @go2kitchens.
At 3pm ET, it’s Live Positive with Jeff Adams on the BeLive TV Facebook page. Digital Journalist and Livestreamer Jeff-in-High-Def — aka Jeffrey Fitzgerald — will talk about the future of video.
At 9pm ET, Jim Collison hosts Home Gadget Geeks. View at
And if you missed it yesterday, be sure to make time for a must-see replay of Brad’s Live. Brad Friedman and Bryan Kramer talk about the human side of marketing and technology. That’s on The Friedman Group Facebook page.
Join us at 7pm ET for #LivestreamDeals on the Livestream Universe Facebook page. RossBrand dot Live takes you there!
Show & event links at our website. For, I’m Ross Brand. Have a great day!
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