Connecting Hosts and Guests with Brent Basham of Poddit (StreamYard Connect Ep31)

Host: Ross Brand

Guest: Brent Basham, Poddit

Date: July 1, 2020

StreamYard Connect Ep31

In Episode 31 of StreamYard Connect with Ross Brand, we talk about finding and vetting great guests to interview on your show with Brent Basham, co-founder of Poddit. Brent will also discuss how best to let other hosts know that you want to be interviewed.

Brent Basham is the co-founder of Poddit, a website dedicated to connecting podcast and livestream hosts with guests looking to be interviewed. He is also the host of Poddit Guest Connect livestream show and is launching the Long Tail Success podcast on July 9, 2020, featuring guest experts sharing ways to strategically connect with the people we most want to serve.


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About StreamYard Connect

StreamYard Connect highlights the different ways talented professionals use live streaming to communicate with customers, connect to new career opportunities and attract candidates to fill job openings. Plus we cover news and technology updates…and the production techniques that power successful live broadcasts. Hosted by Ross Brand and sponsored by StreamYard, a browser-based app that makes it easy to produce professional-looking livestreams. Join us on Wednesdays at 2pm ET for StreamYard Connect on the StreamYard Facebook Page and YouTube Channel.

About StreamYard 

StreamYard is a live streaming studio in your computer or mobile browser that makes it easy to host shows with stable, professional-looking streams.



About Ross Brand

Ross Brand Livestream Universe RE50
Ross Brand is a live streamer who has served in many capacities such as Red Carpet host for the Emmy Award-winning Never Settle Show, produced by Al Roker Entertainment, brand ambassador for Wirecast, and on-camera host for multiple Facebook Live Video and LinkedIn Live developers and broadcast solutions, including StreamYard, BeLive and LiveU.

He was selected one of 5 Live Video Experts to Follow by Switcher Studio, the Number One Twitter Account for Learning Live Stream Marketing by Amp Live and a Top 25 Video Marketing Influencer by Onalytica.

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