How to Get Great Audio and Video: Todd Bergin on #LivestreamStars Ep78

Ross Brand

Todd Bergin aka Todd.Live

October 9, 2017

About Todd Bergin

On #LivestreamStars, Todd Bergin of Todd.LIVE previews VidSummit and talks about how to get great audio and video quality for your live video and podcast shows. Hosted by Ross Brand of Livestream Universe.

Todd Bergin is all about live video, in-the-moment video, broadcasting, podcasting, email marketing, and engaging people to help them to make their life better. Todd is a serial entrepreneur and attorney who made the decision to “Divorce the Workforce” in 2008, leaving the 9-to-5 day job world and practice of law for good. He has extensive experience in all aspects of starting, growing and operating businesses in varied industries.

Many of his clients are new entrepreneurs who have never broadcasted anything in their life. Todd helps them get started on the internet to either promote their existing business, or broadcasting on the internet is a key part of their strategy for their new business.

Find Todd on Twitter: @ToddBergin.

About Ross Brand

blab_channel_image.JPGRoss Brand applies his background as a radio host to conduct interviews and lead livestream conversations that inform and entertain. He is the founder and editor of Livestream Universe, covering the latest and greatest in livestreaming and online broadcasting.

Ross hosts #LivestreamStars, Mondays and Thursdays at 7pm ET at RossBrand.LIVE. The show features talented broadcasters delivering high-quality content across livestream platforms. He also hosts #LivestreamDeals monthly and co-hosts #BestofBeLive on the Facebook page and Ross & Nez: The Livestream Experience podcast.

Ross is the co-founder of You can find Ross on Twitter: @iRossBrand. His Instagram username is @RossBrand1.

Related Links

Ross’ Livestreaming Setup

Website Themes & Templates

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