How to Host Livestream Shows on Facebook Live Using BeLive.TV: Jeff Adams on #LivestreamStars Ep72

Ross Brand

Jeff Adams

August 14, 2017

About Jeff Adams

On #LivestreamStars with Ross Brand, BeLive.TV Host and experienced internet broadcaster Jeff Adams talked about the benefits of livestreaming to Facebook Live using the BeLive platform. Jeff also shared his experiences working in the music industry, hosting radio shows and producing live video and gave us a tour of his broadcasting studio.

Jeff Adams Ross Brand Livestream Universe

Jeff Adams is the Chief Happiness Officer at BeLive, where he hosts the platform’s popular weekly flagship show, #BeLiveWeekly at 3pm ET on Mondays.

Jeff hosts The Jeff Adams Show at TJAS Media and helps internet broadcasters improve their podcasting and #livestreaming content with his creative approach.

Jeff spent more than 20 years in the music business in diverse roles ranging from artist management, sound and design, media relations, radio and tv hosting and production, web content and much more during his award-winning career.

Find Jeff on Twitter: @TheJeffAdams.

About Ross Brand


Ross Brand applies his background as a radio host to conduct interviews and lead livestream conversations that inform and entertain. He is the founder and editor of Livestream Universe, covering the latest and greatest in livestreaming and online broadcasting.

Ross hosts #LivestreamStars Mondays and Thursdays at 7pm ET at RossBrand.LIVE. The show features talented broadcasters delivering high-quality content across livestream platforms. He also hosts #LivestreamDeals#LivestreamSports, #LivestreamNews and #AskTheExpert. 

Ross is the co-founder of You can find Ross on Twitter: @iRossBrand. His Instagram username is @RossBrand1.

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