How To Monetize Your Livestreams on Busker: Tamir Buchler on #LivestreamStars Ep55

Ross Brand

Tamir Buchler

Feb 17, 2017

About Tamir Buchler

On #LivestreamStars with Ross Brand, Busker co-founder & CEO Tamir Buchler talked about his vision for the growth and development of the live video app and how it’s being used by performers and entrepreneurs to make money from tips and selling products through the platform.

Tamir Buchler Ross Brand Livestream Universe

Tamir is the CEO of Busker, the world’s first social video platform that powers rewarding, real-time and authentic interactions between creators and their audiences through the most engaging live streaming community.

Buchler joined Busker in December 2015 and focuses on establishing commercial partnerships with retailers and publishers, marketing outreach, talent acquisition and community development efforts. He was a featured speaker at Summit.Live and The Live Fronts.

He has an extensive background in ecommerce and online marketing, strategic business development and business operations. Prior to joining Busker, Buchler served as CEO of The Happy Cloud, COO and CRO at, and was director of strategic business development at

Find Tamir on LinkedIn.

About Ross Brand

blab_channel_image.JPGRoss Brand applies his background as a radio host to conduct interviews and lead livestream conversations that inform and entertain. He is the founder and editor of Livestream Universe, covering the latest and greatest in livestreaming and online broadcasting.

Ross hosts #LivestreamStars, Mondays at 7pm ET at RossBrand.LIVE. The show features talented broadcasters delivering high-quality content across livestream platforms. He also hosts #LivestreamSports, #LivestreamNews and #AskTheExpert monthly. He produces and presents The Daily Livestream Update weekday mornings on Facebook and iTunes. The updates contain show recommendations and news from the livestreaming industry.

Ross is the co-founder of You can find Ross on Twitter: @iRossBrand. His Instagram username is @RossBrand1.

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