LiveU Solo: New Cloud Graphics for Livestreaming (Livestream Deals)

liveu solo

New Cloud Graphics for LiveU Solo with Claudia Barbiero and Dan Pisarski

Welcome to the LivestreamDeals podcast, I’m Ross Brand. Get ready to learn about how the LiveU Solo helps you livestream from the most bandwidth-challenged environments. The Solo portal has been revamped and now offers users the ability to add cloud graphics.

Let’s kickoff the podcast with one of our favorite products. I used the LiveU Solo to livestream from both VidSummit and the NAB New York conferences. With an updated Solo portal and the addition of cloud graphics, it’s a great time to catch up with Claudia Barbiero, LiveU’s VP of marketing and live events production, and Dan Pisarski, VP of engineering. I start off asking Dan to provide an overview of the LiveU Solo. Here it is — the Livestream Deals Podcast. Enjoy!



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