Summit Live Travel Panel: Ross Brand, Yo Pickles, Papa Bear Alaska, Brandee Anthony and Jenny Inspired
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At #SummitLive LA 2017, the panel on livestreaming and travel featured YoPickles, Papa Bear Alaska, Brandee Anthony, Jenny Inspired and moderator Ross Brand of Livestream Universe.
From Summit.Live:
“Join us Feb 22nd-24th in the historic Millennial Biltmore for the 3rd annual SummitLive. Whether you’re an influencer, app creator, brand, networker, storyteller or studio to connect in Los Angeles. This agenda runs from 10AM — 6PM (plus parties at night usually starting around 7) but Summit.Live’s real “agenda” is to connect and amplify creators. With speakers that head NBC and The Emmy’s to the teams that build apps like YouTube, Busker, Twitch and Periscope to the innovators that are on them we will make our biggest splash yet. Join us for 3 full days of connecting and collaborating in downtown Los Angeles.”
About Ross Brand:
Klout’s number one influencer for #livestreaming, Ross Brand made the successful transition from terrestrial radio to livestreaming. Ross founded Livestream Universe to empower other live video creators by showcasing their content through his updates and shows.
A community builder and supporter/mentor for other online broadcasters, his Livestream Update has reimagined the TV guide for the social video era and serves as a fulcrum to lift up others in this emerging medium. An experienced interviewer, Ross considers interviewing the purest form of storytelling.